What We Do!

Peer Review

Our peer review services provide an impartial review of engineering and construction documents.

  • Explicit Engineering provides services for an objective, third party peer review of the project construction, geotechnical, environmental and engineering documents prepared by others. This includes reviews to ensure compliance with municipal design standards and identifying opportunities for increased long term operation and maintenance efficiency. 
  • We are respected for our fairness in providing unbiased opinions regarding technical problems, defects and design disputes. 
  • Our goal is to solve the problems in a manner that is professional and respectful of the involved parties.

Construction Implementation & Special Inspection

In addition to our engineering peer review services, 

  • Explicit Engineering also provides services related to construction implementation. This includes the preparation of construction drawings, contract specifications and tender documents; obtaining the necessary approvals and permits; and completing the tendering process including contractor pre-qualification, advertising, and review of submitted tenders.  
  • During construction, we act as a representative to the client and provide contract administration and construction inspection to ensure that the engineering designs and specifications are fully adhered to. 
  • Following completion, we prepare for-record drawings to document the final build, and continue to provide support services through to the completion of the construction warranty period.

Standards Development


Explicit Engineering develops and maintains comprehensive design guidelines for various municipalities. 

  • We work closely with municipal staff to understand specific needs and opportunities in developing standards that provide long term operational and maintenance efficiencies and reliable system performance. 
  • We update standards in consideration of new design guidelines adopted by relevant approval authorities.

We Take a Closer Look

If you have any questions about our Services, you may e-mail us, write us, or call us and we'll provide the required information promptly.